Dynamic IP vs Static IP

Dynamic IP vs Static IP

What is the difference with Dynamic IP versus Static IP? Well if you don't know, here we are When you first start learning about computer networking and IP addresses for all the components - the computers, devices, printers, servers, etc. - on the network, multiples are the terms "Dynamic IP" and "Static IP" used repeatedly.

Dynamic IP vs Static IP
Fig 1: Dynamic IP vs Static IP

Dynamic IP

Here is the scenario what if a device you assigned an IP address to stops being used or connecting to network?  How do you know that an IP address is available to be used for some other device? This is where the Dynamic Host Configurable Protocol comes and keeps trajectory of the essential IP addresses on a larger network. And by using a DHCP server by using a DHCP server you are using what is referred to as Dynamic IP addressing. So to sum it up really simply, Static IP means you are manually assigning IP addresses, subnet masks and the default gateway IP address to every component or client on a network. Dynamic IP is the methodology that means you are using a DHCP server on your network to actually handle advertising out available IP addresses, subnet masks, and default gateway and the DHCP server is keeping track of what devices on the network are now using those IP addresses and which aren't. IP addresses that are available to be used by new devices that need IP addresses when they first connect to the network.

Static IP

So if you manually go into the operating system on each client and tell it what IP address and subnet mask it's going to have on its network card settings and you by hand tell it what the default gateway IP address is on the network, you are doing what is called the Static IP assignment. In other words, you tell that device or computer what its IP address, subnet mask and default gateway IP address are, and it only uses those settings. And this can be easy to maintain on a small to even a medium-sized computer network but when you have a large to extremely expansive computer network in a firm with say several hundreds and thousands of employees or users on that network, you can't physically login to each device on that network and assign it the IP address. If you do, you can run into numerous issues. And you will spend all the day everyday just assigning IP addresses if you have new users or devices continually needing to connect to your network. Statically assigning IP addresses becomes futility. One of the other huge issues you'll probably encounter by statically assigning IP addresses on a bigger network is that you have to keep track of the IP addresses you ’ve formerly used and make sure you do not assign the same IP address to 2 or further different devices.

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