25 Top Interview Questions of Networking

25 Networking Interview Questions 

25 Top Interview Questions of Networking
Fig 1 :25 Top Interview Questions of Networking

1) What is LAN ?

Collection of the devices in a small physical location is known as the local area network such as the library, laboratory, labs, office, and building. LAN is a small network of the computers and the other devices and the maximum distance of the local area network is approximately 1 kilometers in radius.

2) What is DHCP ?

DHCP stands for dynamic host configure protocol and this protocol is used for the automatically assignment of the IP address in the network and this is the most common that use in network where computers are greater than 100 because it is very time consuming to add IP by the static way on each machine.

3) What are the cables that mostly used in the Local Area Network ?

Mostly used local area network  cables are cat 5 and cat 6 because of the speed of the these cables cat 5 support the 100 Mbps and cat 6 support the 1Gbps.

4) What is the Active Directory ?

Active directory basically is the service that is developed by the Microsoft for the windows domain network and this is reason of the source of the centralization of network and it plays an important role in the network in which exchange server is install.

5) What is the IPCONFIG ?

Ipconfig is the command which is used for the displaying of the information of IP address on the local machine and in the Linux operating system we used the "ipconfig" command  for the displaying of information about the IP of device.

6) What is APIPA and what is APIPA IP address ?

APIPA stands for the automatic private internet protocol addressing and when in a network DHCP server is not available the windows client computer assign IP address automatically to itself so that ip is known as the APIPA IP address and the range of the these ip address to .

7) What is the broadband ?

Broadband is the high speed internet access over the standard phone line and it is fast internet access.

8) What is dialup ?

Either phone calls or internet connection for a specific given time is known as the dialup it mostly used in the past time.

9) What is RAM ?

RAM stands for the random access memory and it is application running memory and it is a volatile memory. It is the short term memory which is use for the managing of the tasks and the all other activities.

10) Why we need firewall in the network ?

The main and genuine reason of the firewall in the network is to maintaining the authorization if unauthorized want to access the network than the firewall act as the wall for the blockage of that access.

11) What is the DNS ?

DNS stands for the domain name system which is used to convert the the name into the ip address and the ip address into the name.

12) What is traceroute ?

Traceroute is a program which is used to show you the route over the network.

13) What is the File Server ?

File server is the server in which we save the file and any client want to access the file than file server serve the services of the files in a network.

14) What are the private addresses ?

Private addresses are the addresses that are are not used to go in the internet world so by these addresses we cannot go on the internet and if we want to go on the internet that we require the public IP and this ip is purchase by the IANA.

15) What is the OSPF ?

OSPF stands for the open shortest path first and it is a routing protocol which is also known as the link state protocol and this protocol calculate the best path on the basis of the bandwidth and this is the most common protocol in the industry and it is an IGP protocol.

16) What is the gateway ?

Gateway is the point which is used to pass out the traffic to another network. So it is the gateway is the way which is used connect to LAN to the other network.

17) What is the drawback of the star topology ?

The drawback of the star topology is if the center device goes down all the network will go down that is the major drawback of the star topology.

18) What are the ranges of the privates addresses ?


19) What are the responsibilities of the Network Administrator ?

Following are the responsibilities of the network administrator :

  • Network administrator can configure the network.
  • Network administrator can troubleshoot the network.
  • Network administrator can maintain the network.

20) What is the hybrid network ?

Hybrid network is the network that based on the client server architecture and peer to peer architecture.

21) What is the ARP protocol ?

ARP stands for the address resolution protocol and it is a layer 2 protocol which is used to find out the the mac addresses on the basis of the ip addresses.

22) What is the Netstat ?

Netstat is use to provide the information  of the about the TCP/IP setting.

23) What happen if the length of the cable is greater than the length of the prescribed ?

If the length of the cable is greater than the given length than there is huge possibility the signal of transmitting and receiving will loss.

24) What is Hub why it is not use in secure environment ?  

Hub stands for the hybrid universal broadcast is the networking device that is also known as the layer 1 device and it is not intelligent device because of it behavior of broadcasting so that is the reason of it is not use in secure environment .

25) What is ping ?

Ping stands for the packet internet groper which is used to test the connectivity and communication between the devices.

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