Internet Assigned Numbers Authority

Internet Assigned Numbers Authority

Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
Fig 1: Internet Assigned Numbers Authority

IANA stands for Internet Assigned Numbers Authority. IANA is the organization that is responsible for the global management of the internet addressing systems protocol and IANA is also responsible for the Autonomous System Numbers that used for the routing internet traffic. The IANA is responsible for managing the allocation of "addresses, protocol parameter assignments, autonomous system numbers, and country code domains" on the global Internet. Examples of IANA functions are protocol suite management, numbering resources for mobile telephone networks, time zone management, administration of the top-level domain space in the IANA root zone database. It was originally agreed to in 1995 by a group of major internet stakeholders including network service providers, equipment manufacturers, software developers and commercial end-users. The driving forces behind the creation of the IANA were US government agencies who felt that they could maintain control of global communications by creating a central administrative authority for allocating globally unique names and abbreviations. 

Different users that main goal is to go out in the INTERNET and users are assigned Internet Protocol Address by the ISP (Internet Service Provider). Internet Service Providers obtain allocations of the Internet Protocol Address from the LIR (Local Internet Registry) or NIR (National Internet Registry) or by their closing and appropriate RIR (Regional Internet Registry).

Here Below we discuss about the Registries and their appropriate area  covered these Registries work under the IANA for allocation of IP addresses and Autonomous Numbers so following are the registries below:

RIPE NCC :This registry concerns with area of Europe, Middle East, and Central of Asia.

LACNIC :This registry concerns with the area of Latin America and some others Islands of Caribbean.

ARIN :This registry concerns with the area of North America Region.

APNIC :This registry concerns with the Pacific Region and Asia.

AFRINIC :This Registry Concerns with the area of the Africa region.

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